Brochure and
Application Note

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The following brochures and application notes can be downloaded.
Please fill the Download Form at the bottom of this page.
For the list of publications and conference presentations, please visit our Publications page.

  • On-chip Droplet Selector

  • On-chip Droplet Generator

  • On-chip Sort

Collection of Droplet Application

  • Collection of Droplet Application

Application Notes

  • Phage detection and isolation with W/O Droplet

    Phage detection and isolation with W/O Droplet
  • Secretion-based Single Cell Sorting with Nanovials

  • Evaluation and high-throughput screening system of microorganisms based on their enzyme activity which is accomplished by ACA a novel hydrophilic fluorescent probe

  • Sorting of water-in-oil emulsions with bacteria using a fluorescent nucleic acid probe

  • Potential for high-throughput screening of enteric bacteria with gel microdroplets using On-chip Sort

  • Improvement of single-cell transcriptomic results of mouse dorsal raphe Pet1 neurons

  • Damage-free sorting of DRG neuron cells responsible for pain transmission

  • Sorting and dispensing of single spheroids for drug evaluation

  • Sorting of oceanic phytoplankton on On-chip Sort

  • Damage-free sorting of fetal rat brain nerve cells

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Application Note