Our new applications video is released!

New video explaining a few of our applications is released!You can view the videos below.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT1RDw2CRKg This video was created with the help of Biocompare.The link to the Biocompare page is as below.https://www.biocompare.com/Life-Science-Videos/560078-Watch-Video-On-Chip-Biotechologies-On-Chip-Sorter/

Our promotional video is finally here!

Our promotional video is finally here!The video will tell you everything about our microfluidic cell sorter, On-chip Sort. You can view the videos below.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-PlO_pNHFc&t=43s

We are now listed on Biocompare

Our products, On-chip Sort and On-chip SPiS, are now listed on Biocompare website. On-chip Sorthttps://www.biocompare.com/24500-Cell-Sorters-Cell-Sorting-Instruments/13426959-On-chip-Sort-Microfluidic-Gentle-Cell-Sorter/ On-chip SPiShttps://www.biocompare.com/24500-Cell-Sorters-Cell-Sorting-Instruments/13515395-On-chip-SPiS-Single-Cell-Plating-System/

A new wave to science: Emulsion droplet sorting

Our unique sorting technology has the capability to sort so-called the Emulsion droplets.Emulsion droplets are aqueous droplets suspended in oil, stabilized with surfactants.We strive to develop new applications surrounding this exciting technology.For more information, please “click here”.