We are pleased to inform you that the seminar recording from last December is now available for viewing.
Peter Lopez
Consultant to Comprehensive Cell Solutions
(Former Associate Prof. of Pathology, NYU Grossman School of Medicine)
The conventional electrostatically-deflected droplet cell sorter has been the mainstay of biomedical research since the early 1970’s. Since the invention of droplet cell sorting by Mack Fulwyler in the late ’60s, advances have been in the instrumentation, but the basic technology used in droplet cell sorters remains essentially the same. While purified cellular subsets of lymphocytes can survive this process and perform well after being purified, other cell types may not perform quite as well, or in some cases cells may die after cell sorting. Many ad hoc modifications to the cell sorting protocol are often brought to bear if cells are stressed by the droplet cell sorting process, such as using lower pressure, larger sorting nozzle orifice diameter, different buffers for collecting the sorted cells, or performing cell sorting at a lower temperature. The various solutions used to deal with droplet cell sorting stress, or SICS, seem to be specific to the cell type.
We have demonstrated that droplet cell sorters broadly deplete the cellular metabolome regardless of cell type or instrument manufacturer. This metabolomic manifestation of SICS can be minimized, and techniques for SICS mitigation will be presented.
This seminar was recorded at the luncheon seminar conducted at the the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2023. On-Chip Biotechnology had the honor of hosting Mr. Peter, who delivered a presentation.
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